Epson P-2000
8 - Epson P-2000 11/04
Displaying Images
You can display all images in Saved Data or Albums as
thumbnails. You can also display an image in full-screen
1. Select
Saved Data or Albums in the Home screen and
press the
OK button.
Folders or albums that include data such as images, videos,
or audio appear.
Note: In the Saved Data screen, folders are displayed by memory
card. You can change the setting to display folders by date.
2. Select the folder or album which includes images you want
to view by using the 4-way ring, then press the
OK button.
To move to the next screen, press down on the 4-way ring
and hold.
Thumbnails of the images and other data are displayed:
3. Use the 4-way ring to select the image you want to view,
then press the
OK button. The selected image is enlarged to
fill the screen:
Zooming an image
❏ To zoom in on an image displayed full screen, press the OK
button. Continue pressing it to zoom in even further.
❏ To zoom out, press the
Cancel button.
❏ To move around a zoomed image, use the 4-way ring.
Playing Audio and Videos
The P-2000 supports video files in resolutions ranging from
160 × 112 pixels to 640 × 480 pixels, with file sizes up to
2GB. The P-2000 supports audio files up to 100MB.
WMV, MPEG1, MPEG2, and DVD-Video are not
supported. However, you may be able to convert files to
supported formats using programs such as QuickTime
Supported video formats
Latest Data Settings
Albums Memory CardSaved Data
Saved Data
20040829\002 20040827\001 20040820\001 20040818\003
20040815\001 20040813\001 20040810\002 20040805\001
20040801\005 20040720\002 20040715\003 20040630\001
Saved Data / 2004.08.26
DSC00331.JPG DSC00330.mpg DSC00329.JPG DSC00328.JPG
DSC00327.JPG DSC00326.JPG DSC00325.JPG DSC00324.JPG
DSC00323.JPG DSC00322.JPG DSC00321.JPG
Video codec Audio codec Max bit rate
.avi MPEG4 AAC, MP3,
ALaw, µLaw
1.5 Mbps
(at 24 fps)
Motion JPEG ALaw
3 Mbps
.mov MPEG4 AAC 1.5 Mbps
(at 24 fps)
Motion JPEG ALaw
3 Mbps
.mp4 MPEG4 AAC 1.5 Mbps
(at 24 fps)
.asf MPEG4 ADPCM 1.5 Mbps
(at 24 fps)