Changing directories
To change directories, type CHDIR (or CD) followed by a backslash and the
name of the directory. For example, to change to the LEDGER directory,
type the following and press
The backslash identifies the LEDGER directory as a subdirectory of the root
directory. Once you are in a directory, you can access any files it contains
without typing the full pathname. To change to a subdirectory of the current
directory, you do not need to type the backslash.
For example, to change to the SALES subdirectory while you are in the
LEDGER directory, type the following and press
To return to the root directory from any subdirectory, type the following and
CD \
Copying from one directory to another
The COPY command lets you copy files from one directory to another. To
use the command, you must specify the path name of the file you want to
copy, and specify the directory where you want to copy the file to.
For example, if you are in the WORDPROC directory and want to copy the
ROGER file from the PERSONAL subdirectory to the BUSINESS
subdirectory, you would type the following and press
Be sure to type a space between the filename and the new pathname. Do not
type a backslash before PERSONAL
or BUSINESS because they are both
subdirectories of the current directory, WORDPROC. If you do type the
backslashes, MS-DOS looks in the root directory for the subdirectories and
does not find them.
Using MS-DOS with Your Equity Ie