
I Technical Specification
1. Model XK3190-H2B
2. Accuracy Meets the regulations of OIML, R76, JJG-555
and national standard of the electronic crane
scale. Accuracy - Class
Division From 0.01 to 50, 12 options in total. Verifying
division will be set automatically each time when
powered on. Usually, the division is supposed
not to be modified.
Units of Measure 4 options: t, kg, g and mg
3. Analogue
Conversion Principle 24 bit ∑-△ mode, A/D converter
Input Signal Range -2mV~+18mV
Max Net Input Signal 20mV
Conversion Rate 6.25 times per second
A/D Conversion Resolution 500,000
Non-linearity <0.01%F.S
F.S. Temperature Coefficient <6PPM/℃
Calibration Full digital calibration (FDC)
Load Cell Excitation DC 5V
Load Cell Drive Capacity up to 4 load cells at 350Ω
Connecting Method of Load Cell 4 leads
Displaying Cycle 160ms
4. Clock Displaying Y/M/D, H/M/S and leap year/month
Accuracy ±5s/24h, free from influence of powering off
5. Keypad
Digital Keys 0~9, ·, -
Function Keys 24 (12 overlapped with digital keys)
Key Material Sealed elastomer
6. Scoreboard Interface Serial output mode
Transmission Mode 20mA current loop
Data Type 11 bits
Baud Rate 600
Transmission Distance2000m
7. Serial Communication Interface
Transmission Mode RS232C/RS422 (Optional)
Baud Rate 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600
Transmitted data format 10 bit:1 start bit, 8 data bits (ASCⅡ Code), 1
stop bit
Transmission Distance RS232:30m
8. Printer Port Standard parallel output port
9. Data Storage 11 categories of weight records, net/gross