Begin your migration to the High Definition revolution in CCTV technology without changing your
installation methods. For definitive identification in critical areas, capture scenes with stunning HD
clarity; for traditional applications connect standard definition analog CCTV cameras. Carry uncompressed
full motion MEGAPIXEL DIGITAL and analog NTSC video back to their respective inputs on the
ENDEAVOR HD+SD DVR over standard coaxial cable*! Attach familiar BNC connectors to both HD-CCTV
and analog cameras and to the ENDEAVOR HD+SD DVR, then display live and recorded images in
astounding detail on the HDMI main monitor screen. HD-CCTV with up to 6 times the resolution of the
analog cameras delivers the ability to zoom with clarity. HD images are so detailed, each sends a 1.5Gb/s
uncompressed digital video signal over the coax; the Endeavor HD – 2H14 DVR can process that total of
3Gb/s from 2 HD-CCTV cameras, as well as the video from 14 analog cameras, for live viewing and H.264
recording at HD resolutions of 1080p (~2 megapixel @ 15 fps/camera) or 720p (~1 megapixel @ real time
30fps/camera), plus real time 30FPS at D1 recording capability on all 14 analog cameras. Dedicated
mega-bandwidth coax signal paths from each HD camera to this HD Hybrid DVR eliminate the need for
compression, addressing, and complex network design.
The ENDEAVOR HD+SD DVR is a powerful, full featured, embedded DVR with all the capabilities, familiar
front panel controls, user friendly mouse driven Graphical User Interface, plug-and play ease of installation
and setup and proven, reliable Linux based operating system that you expect from a state of the art
EverFocus DVR. More than that, it is designed and built in our factory, backed by our Support Team, and
carries our standard three year DVR warranty (including the hard drives). Start adding some High Definition
Security Surveillance to your systems at your own pace, with a name you know and trust: the ENDEAVOR
HD+SD DVR from Everfocus Electronics puts the future in your hands – TODAY!
*Up to 500’ nominal for digital signals on RG59; more with lower loss cable and/or optional repeaters.
o Both HD-CCTV Megapixel Video Inputs and Analog Video Inputs
o Choose 720p or 1080p HD resolution recording for HD-CCTV Video Inputs up to 30 FPS/camera
o H.264 Compression format to minimize optimize disk space consumption
o Dual streaming to optimize remote viewing bandwidth utilization
o Real time recording rate and playback rate – up to 30fps@D1 on analog and 30fps@HD on HD-CCTV
o Recording resolution and rate can be set independently for each camera, and changed via user defined
o Multiple Main Monitors : HDMI 1080p / VGA (1920x1080) output for stunning image clarity
o Pentaplex Operation (Simultaneous live, recording, playback, archiving and remote viewing)