In the COPY MENU, we define:
COPY: Select Image for copying images to movie file.
Select Viewer for copying EDR viewer player.
DISK NO: Disk number. It is fixed as “01” in this series.
CAMERA NO: Camera channel number. You can select the video of camera you would like to copy.
START DATE & TIME: The start time of video you want to copy.
END DATE & TIME: The end time of video you want to copy.
DEVICE: The storage you want to store the file. The available device for this model is USB.
Press SELECT to copy after setting up everything.
An upload percentage will show up during video copy.
Copying image in bookmark mode:
1. During playing back, press COPYbutton and it will bookmark the starting copy point.
Then, STOP playing back. Press COPY button again, you will see the START TIMEhas been
changed to the “Bookmark time”. The end time is preset to 5 minutes later. You can change it
to other value as desire.