Administrator’s Guide and Operating Instructions
Appendix C – Simulated Keyboard
There are situations that the user will be asked to enter a numeric or
alphanumeric string. So, a Simulated Keyboard is designed for the user
to use the mouse for all the operations. Please refer to the following
diagram for the details.
Appendix D – Q & A
Q: The mouse doesn’t work.
A: The mouse must be connected to the system at system startup.
Q: The system is running well, but there are no recording images in the hard disks.
A: HDD#1 (in upper tray) must be set as master, and HDD#2 (in lower tray) as slave.
The settings should be described on the hard disk itself or in the manual come with the
hard disk. The default settings for the hard disk should be master.
Q: The playback images cannot be retrieved to the ZIP disk.
A: The system support IOMEGA’s ZIP drives. The ZIP drive must be connected to the
system at system startup. Besides, the ZIP disk must be PC formatted.
Q: How to get better video quality?
A: The quality of JPEG is better than MPEG, and the higher the recording quality, the
better the quality. Please login as administrator, click on the Config icon, and then
click on the Camera Setup menu item. Select the Recording Quality and the
Compression Method as appropriate. After exiting the Config menu, you’ll be asked
to restart the system for the new settings to take effect.