6. Editing blocks in a time bar: when a time bar is chosen (highlighted in red frame), the press
Enter button to select that time bar for configuration; then the first block of this bar will be selected
(highlighted in blue frame). Use Right/Left arrow key to move to the desired block for the starting time,
and press the Enter button again to confirm. At this time, the current and all following blocks will turn
into gray, which means this gray timezone has been set to the recording mode of gray (Alarm Action
off). User can also change the timezone to a different record mode by following instructions in the next
7. Changing recording mode (color) of a timezone: Use Right/Left arrow key to select the first
block of a timezone. Press the Enter button, and this timezone will switch to another color, which
means switching to another recording mode. The color switch sequence is gray->orange->gray.
Apply to Days: This button can be used to copy schedules to other days. Select which days you wish to
copy to. "Select All" selects all days, “Clear All” deselects all days. Click “OK” to copy the settings or
"Cancel" to exit without copying.