2-1. The format of message packet is as follows:
Length Byte (Prefix: 0x86, 0x87, or 0x88 ..... )
Receiver ID high byte
Receiver ID low byte
Opcode Byte
Data Byte1
Data Byte2
Data Byte3
Checksum Byte
2-2. Length Byte
This Length Byte is also a prefix. Bit7 must be 1.
EX: 0x87 ==> this packets has 7 bytes length. ( not included Length byte itself )
2-3. Receiver ID
1). Individual receiver ID
Decimal 14bit binary value Hbyte Lbyte Receiver ID (Digital Video Recorder)
------- ------------------- ------ ------ ----------------------
0 0000000 0000000 00 00 ID = 0
1 0000000 0000001 00 01 ID = 1
2 0000000 0000010 00 02 ID = 2
126 0000000 1111110 00 7e ID = 126
127 0000000 1111111 00 7f ID = 127
128 0000001 0000000 01 00 ID = 128
129 0000001 0000001 01 01 ID = 129
255 0000001 1111111 01 7f ID = 255
256 0000010 0000000 02 00 ID = 256
511 0000011 1111111 03 7f ID = 511
16382 1111111 1111110 7f 7e ID = 16382
2). Broadcast ID
Decimal 14bit binary value Hbyte Lbyte Receiver ID (Digital Video Recorder)
------- ------------------- ------ ------ ----------------------
16383 1111111 1111111 7f 7f all DVR connect to RS485