4.3.5 Fast backward
Mouse: While in playback mode, right-click to bring up menu bar and click
to start fast rewind. Click
the button again to increase speed to higher level (2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x, or max).
Front panel: While in playback mode, press
key to start fast rewind. Press the button again to
increase speed to higher level (2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x, or max).
4.3.6 Step forward
Mouse: While in pause mode, right-click to bring up menu bar and click
to step forward once.
Front panel: While in pause mode, press
key to step forward once.
4.3.7 Step backward
Mouse: While in pause mode, right-click to bring up menu bar and click to step backward once.
Front panel: While in pause mode, press key to step backward once.
4.3.8 Stop playback
Mouse: While in playback or pause mode, right-click to bring up menu bar and click to go back to
live mode.
Front panel: While in playback or pause mode, press key to go back to live mode.
In sequencing mode, DVR will show each channel in full screen based on the configuration. For more detail
about sequence setting, please refer to “5.8.2 Main M/T SEQ”.
Mouse: Right-click to bring up menu bar and click to start sequence
Front panel: Press key to start sequence.