Using the Command and Response Tables
The command and response tables begin on the next page. Command and response
examples are shown throughout the tables. With the exception of the audio input gain
and attenuation commands, the SIS commands are not case sensitive. The ASCII to HEX
conversion table below is for use with the command and response table.
ASCII to Hex Conversion Table
Command and Response Table for SIS Commands
Symbol Definitions
Symbols, defined below, are used in the tables to represent variables in the command and
response fields.
= Carriage return/line feed
= Carriage return (no line feed)
| = Pipe (can be used interchangeably with the
• = space
= Escape key
W = Can be used interchangeably with the
X! = Input number (for tie) 00
– (maximum number of inputs for your model) (
= untied)
X@ = Output number 01 – (maximum number of outputs for your model)
NOTE: Input and output numbers in commands may be entered as either 1-digit or 2-digit numbers. All input and output numbers are
reported as 2-digit numbers in the response.
X# = Mute, Lock mode, power supply 0 = off/mode 0/not OK
1 = on/mode 1/OK
2 = mode 2
X$ = Input number (for other than ties) 01 – (maximum number of inputs for your model)
X% = Audio gain 0 – 24 (1 dB/step)
X^ = Numeric dB value –18 to +24 (45 steps of gain or attenuation) (default = 0 dB)
X& = Audio attenuation 1 – 18 (1 dB/step)
X* = Volume adjustment range 0 – 64 (1 dB/step except for 0-to-1, which is 22 dB) (default = 64 [0 dB])
(see table 6 on page 97)
X( = Global or room preset # 00 - 32, 10 maximum for a room preset (00 = current configuration for view only)
NOTE: A Room preset is a stored configuration with all of the outputs assigned to a single room. When a room preset is retrieved from
memory, it becomes the current configuration.
X1) = Room # (for room presets) 10 max. (Each can have up to 10 presets (X(s) assigned.)
NOTE: A Room is a subset of operator-selected outputs that relate to each other. The CrossPoint or MAV Plus switchers support up to 10
rooms, each of which can consist of from 1 to 16 outputs.
X1! = Name 12 characters maximum,
Upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters and _ / and spaces are valid.
NOTE: The following characters are invalid or not recommended in the name: <space> ~ , @ = ‘ [ ] { } < > ’ “ ; : | \ and ?.
CrossPoint and MAV Series Matrix Switchers • Programming Guide 94