
RAC 104 • Remote Control
Controller error responses
When the RAC 104 receives an SIS command and determines
that it is valid, it performs the command and sends a response
to the host device. If the controller is unable to perform the
command because the command is invalid or contains invalid
parameters, the contoller returns an error response to the host.
The error response codes are:
E01 — Invalid channel number (too large)
E10 — Invalid command
E13 — Invalid value (out of range)
E14 — Invalid setting at this time (i.e., setting outside the
upper or lower value limit)
E23 — Firmware update failure
Using the command/response table
The command/response table begins on the next page. Upper
and lower case letters can be used interchangeably in the
command field except where noted. Symbols are used
throughout the table to represent variables in the command/
response fields. An ASCII-to-hexadecimal (HEX) conversion
table and symbol definitions are provided below. Command
and response examples are shown throughout the table.
ASCII to HEX Conversion Table
Symbol definitions
= Carriage return/line feed
= Carriage return (no line feed)
= 0 through 100, output volume; attenuation (dB) =
Default = 70 (-30 dB)
= 1 through 4, channel numbers
1 = group A, channel 1
2 = group A, channel 2