
micrometer to trace the cause of the trouble.
It is very seldom that any trouble of this nature
will be experienced when fitting the
9 Tighten the main bearing bolts to the
specified torque wrench settings (photo).
10 Using a dial gauge or feeler blades
inserted between a thrust washer and the
crankshaft, check the crankshaft endfloat. If it
exceeds the specified limit, the thrust washers
can be changed for thicker ones (photo).
11 Bolt on the crankshaft rear oil seal carrier
using a new gasket. The carrier should have
been fitted with a new oil seal and the seal lips
greased (photos).
12 Fit the engine rear plate (photo).
13 Offer the flywheel to the crankshaft. With
pistons No. 1 and 4 at TDC, the dimple on the
flywheel must be uppermost.
14 Screw in and tighten the bolts to the
specified torque. The crankshaft may be held
against rotation by either jamming the starter
ring gear or placing a block of wood between
one of the crankshaft webs and the inside of
the crankcase (photo).
15 Oil the cam followers and return them to
their original positions (photo).
16 Oil the camshaft bearings and insert the
camshaft, taking great care not to damage the
bearings with the cam lobes. Fit the front
bearing, chamfer inwards (photos).
903 cc engine 1•21
20.10 Checking crankshaft end float20.9 Tightening main bearing cap bolts20.6 Fitting a main bearing cap
20.16B Camshaft front bearing20.16A Fitting camshaft
20.11B Crankshaft oil seal and carrier
20.11A Crankshaft rear oil seal carrier and
20.14 Tightening flywheel bolts20.12 Engine rear plate
20.15 Cam followers