2620A, 2625A
Users Manual
Table 4-8. Command and Query Reference (cont)
The Totalizer count is returned as a scientific notation value in the range
0 through 65535 (00.000E+3 through 65.535E+3). If the Totalizer has
overflowed, a value of 1E+9 is returned.
An Execution Error is generated if this query is used with the IEEE-488
The following example shows the type of data received in response to
LOG?. The first line shows time and date. The second line shows
measurement values. The third line shows alarm outputs state, DIO
state, and totalizer value. Note that the actual response combines all this
information on one line; three lines are shown here for presentation
LOGGED? Retrieve specified scan data from memory (RS-232 only)
LOGGED? <index>
<index> = (1 .. 2047)
Scan data is not removed from memory with this query. Use of <index>
values outside the range causes an Execution Error. Use of <index>
values within the range and have no data stored will also cause an
Execution Error. An Execution Error is generated if the instrument is a
Hydra Data Acquisition Unit.
Scan data is returned in the same format as for the LOG? query.
LOG_BIN? Binary Upload of Logged Data (RS-232 only)
For quick upload of logged data from a 2625A. See Appendix E. An
Execution Error is generated if the instrument is a Hydra Data Acquisition
Unit, or <index> is out of range or invalid.
LOG_BIN? <index>
LOG_CLR Clear Logged Scans (RS-232 only)
Clear all stored scan data. An Execution Error is generated if the
instrument is a Hydra Data Acquisition Unit.
LOG_COUNT? Logged Scan Count Query (RS-232 only)
Return the number of stored scans. Returns an integer value
representing the number of scans presently stored in memory. The
maximum value that can be returned is 2047; 0 indicates that there are
no stored scans. An Execution Error is generated if the instrument is a
Hydra Data Acquisition Unit.