
Page 89 © 2004-2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company
Purpose Read or set a new AutoRange range to use.
“ARANGEn Range, unit, mode (,RptLabel) (set to user defined range)
“ARANGE Q-RPTLabel (set to Q-RPT default range)
“ARANGEn= Range, units, mode (,RptLabel) (set to user defined range)
“ARANGE= Q-RPTLabel (set to Q-RPT default range)
Optional Suffix “n” A suffix may be used instead of “RptLabel
‘1’ Specify the Hi Q-RPT if the Hi and Lo Q-RPTs are NOT OFF
Specify the HL Q-RPT if the Hi and Lo Q-RPTs are OFF
‘2’ Specify the Lo Q-RPT
‘3’ Specify the HL Q-RPT
Range: The AutoRange maximum pressure. Cannot be negative.
Unit: The unit of measure of the Range argument.
Mode: The measurement mode of the Range argument:
“A” for absolute
“G” for gauge
“N” for negative gauge
Measured pressure values are returned with “g” to identify measurement
mode for both gauge and negative gauge measurement modes.
One of the Q-RPTs that is available.
“IH”: Hi Q-RPT if the Hi and Lo Q-RPTs are NOT OFF. HL Q-RPT if
the Hi and Lo Q-RPTs are OFF.
“IL”: Lo Q-RPT
Remarks The ARANGE command is used to define an RPM4 range by specifying a desired unit of
measure, measurement mode and maximum pressure, and have the RPM4 pick the best
available Q-RPT and make adjustments to optimize operation in that range.
The optional suffix or the “RptLabel” argument can be used to specify which Q-RPT you
wish to use for the AutoRange range instead of allowing the RPM4 to pick the best Q-
RPT. By using this option you can override the internal logic that picks the most suitable Q-
Q-RPT. This Q-RPT specified must be valid for the maximum pressure and measurement
mode specified.
The reply indicates the current range data, including the Q-RPTLabel used for the range.
If “inWa” is specified for the unit, the temperature reference can be given after the unit
text (“inWa4”, “inWa20” or “inWa60” corresponding to inWa at 4 °C, 20 °C or 60 °F). If no
number is given, a default of 20 °C is assumed. There is no indication of the temperature
reference in the reply.
If you just specify the Q-RPTLabel without any other arguments, the Q-RPT specified will
become active in it’s last range and settings. The previously set unit and measurement
mode for the Q-RPT specified will become active.
Cmd sent:
Query reply:
“ARANGE?” (read the current range in the current units)
“100.00, psi, A, IH”
Cmd sent:
Query reply:
“ARANGE” (read the current range in the current units)
“100.00, psi, A, IH”
Cmd sent:
Query reply:
“ARANGE? 250, inWa4, G (range of 250 inWa @ 4 °C in gauge mode)
“250.00 inWa, G, IH” (Lo Q-RPT is used)
Cmd sent:
Query reply:
“ARANGE=500, kPa, G (range of 500 kPa in gauge mode)
“500.00 kPa, G, IL” (Lo Q-RPT is used)
Cmd sent:
Query reply:
“ARANGE2 50, psi, A (range of 50 psi in absolute mode on
the Lo Q-RPT)
“50.000 psi, A, IL” (No reply if GPIB-488)
Cmd sent:
Query reply:
“ARANGE IH (Hi Q-RPT’s prev range made active)
“500.000 kPa, A, IH” (No reply if GPIB-488)
Errors ERR# 6:
ERR# 19:
ERR# 20:
ERR# 29:
ERR# 53:
Range“ maximum pressure exceeds available Q-RPTs or is negative.
RPT specified by the optional suffix is not valid for the current operating
Cannot Range to ‘0’ with absolute units.
Cannot Range to ‘0’ with gauge units.
Correct type of Q-RPT for the selected “Mode” is not available.
RPT specified is not available.
See Also “RPT”, “RANGE”, “MMODE”, “UNIT”
3.3.4, .3.2.4, 3.3.3, 3.3.2