
303-06-3 303-06-3Starting System
Symptom Chart
Symptom Chart
Condition Possible Sources Action
The engine does not crank Battery GO to Pinpoint Test A.
and the relay does not click Fuse
Starter relay
Ignition switch
Digital transmission range
(TR) sensor (automatic
transmission only)
Clutch pedal position (CPP)
switch (manual transmission
The engine does not crank Fuse GO to Pinpoint Test B.
and the relay does click Battery
Starter motor/solenoid
Ignition switch
The engine cranks slowly Battery GO to Pinpoint Test C.
Starter motor/solenoid
Unusual starter noise Starter mounting GO to Pinpoint Test D.
Flexplate or flywheel
Starter motor
The starter spins but the Starter motor INSPECT the starter motor
engine does not crank Damaged flexplate or mounting and engagement.
flywheel ring gear teeth INSTALL a new starter
motor. REFER to Starter
Motor — 4.0L SOHC or
Starter Motor — 4.6L (3V) in
this section.
INSPECT the flexplate or
flywheel for damaged,
missing or worn teeth.
REPAIR as required.
Pinpoint Tests
For automatic transmission equipped vehicles,
voltage is supplied from the SJB to the digital
Pinpoint Test A: The Engine Does Not Crank
transmission range (TR) sensor through circuit 32
And The Relay Does Not Click
(RD/LB). In PARK or NEUTRAL, voltage is
supplied from the TR sensor through circuit 33
Normal Operation
(WH/PK) to the starter relay coil located in the
In normal operation, voltage from the bussed
BEC. The starter relay coil is supplied ground from
electrical center (BEC) is supplied to the ignition
the PCM through circuit 1419 (LG/YE).
switch through circuit 1050 (LG/PK). When the
ignition switch is placed in the START position,
For manual transmission equipped vehicles, voltage
voltage is supplied through circuit 1522 (DG) to the
from the SJB is supplied to the clutch pedal position
smart junction box (SJB).
switch (CPP) through circuit 32 (RD/LB). When the
clutch pedal is depressed, voltage is supplied from
the CPP to the starter relay coil located in the BEC
through circuit 32 (RD/LB). The starter relay coil is
supplied ground from the PCM through circuit 1419
2005 Mustang, 12/2004