FortiSwitch-5003A and 5003 Fabric and Base Backplane Communications Guide
54 01-30000-85717-20081205
Fabric 10-gigabit switching within a chassis FortiGate-5050 fabric backplane communication
Fabric 10-gigabit switching within a chassis
All of the FortiSwitch-5003A fabric front panel interfaces are 10-gigabit interfaces
and the FortiSwitch-5003A board supports 10-gigabit communication across the
fabric backplane channels. The FortiGate-5001A board also supports 10-gigabit
communication on the fabric backplane with the addition of a FortiGate-RTM-XB2
module. You require one FortiGate-RTM-XB2 module for each FortiGate-5001A
board. The FortiGate-RTM-XB2 module must be installed in the chassis rear
transition module (RTM) slot that corresponds to the front panel slot containing the
FortiGate-5001A board. For example, if you install a FortiGate-5001A board in slot
3 you must also install a FortiGateRTM-XB2 module in RTM slot 3. The RTM slots
are at the back of the FortiGate-5050 chassis.
One FortiGate-RTM-XB2 module provides 10-gigabit connections to both fabric
channels. The FortiGate-RTM-XB2 also provides NP2 packet acceleration for
both fabric channels. To effectively use NP2 acceleration, packets must be
received by the FortiGate-5001A board on one fabric channel and must exit from
the FortiGate-5001A board on the same fabric channel or on the other fabric
channel. See the FortiGate-RTM-XB2 System Guide for more information about
the FortiGate-RTM-XB2.
Figure 20 shows a FortiGate-5050 chassis containing two FortiSwitch-5003A
boards and one FortiGate-5001A board. Using these components this chassis
supplies 10-gigabit connectivity between the external and internal networks. The
external network is connected to the F1 10-gigabit front panel interface of the
FortiSwitch-5003A board in slot 1, which connects the external network to fabric
channel 1. The internal network is connected to the F7 10-gigabit front panel
interface of the FortiSwitch-5003A board in slot 2, which connects the internal
network to fabric channel 2.
10-gigabit traffic from the external network enters the F1 10-gigabit
FortiSwitch-5003A front panel interface, passes through the FortiSwitch-5003A
board and through the FortiGate-RTM-XB2 module to the fabric1 interface of the
FortiGate-5001A board. Traffic accepted at the fabric1 interface is processed by
the FortiGate-5001A board. Traffic destined for the internal network exits the
fabric2 interface of the FortiGate-5001A board, passes through the
FortiGate-RTM-XB2 module and through the FortiSwitch-5003A board and exits
the F7 10-gigabit FortiSwitch-5003A front panel interface and is received by the
internal network.
Note: A single FortiSwitch-5003A can provide simultaneous 10 Gbps connections to
FortiGate-5001A boards with FortiGate-RTM-XB2 modules, 1 Gbps connections to
FortiGate-5001A boards, and 1 Gbps connections to FortiGate-5005FA2 boards.