+ Goes to the traveller’s phrases
menu. If a word is in the Word
Entry screen or is highlighted,
finds any phrases containing that
+ At the Word Entry screen, types
an asterisk to stand for a series of
letters in a word. In games, gives
a hint.
Calculator Keys
A(1/x) Calculates a reciprocal.
S(√) Calculates a square root.
) Squares a number.
F(%) Calculates a percentage.
G(.) Inserts a decimal point.
H(+)/J(-) Adds, subtracts, multiplies, or
divides numbers.
Y(+/-) Changes the number on the
screen to a negative or positive
M+) Adds the number to the number
stored in the memory.
M-) Subtracts the number from the
number stored in the memory.
MR) Recalls the number stored in the
MC) Clears the memory.
Direction Keys
Moves in the indicated direction.
At the Word Entry screen, types a
space. At menus and dictionary
entries, pages down.
Combination Keys*
+ At a dictionary entry or the
traveller’s phrases menu, pages
up or down.
+ At a dictionary entry, displays the
next or previous entry.
+ At a menu, goes to the first or last
item. At a dictionary entry, goes to
the start or end of the entry.
+ Transfers a word between books.
+J At the Word Entry screen, types a
hyphen (-).
+M In the Address field of the
databank, types @.
+_’ Types an apostrophe (’).
+_’ Types a slash (/).
Key Guide