
Goes to the Confusables
list. At the
Entry screen, types a ? to stand for a
letter in a word. At a menu, displays a
menu item. At a dictionary entry,
displays the headword. In games,
reveals the word and forfeits the game.
Goes to the Learning Exercises menu.
Goes to the Setup menu.
Direction Keys
Move in the indicated direction.
Goes to the next entry.
Goes to the previous entry.
At menus and dictionary entries,
pages down. At the Entry screen,
types a space.
Key Combinations*
+ At a dictionary entry, goes to the top
or bottom of an entry. At menus,
goes to the top or bottom of a list.
+ At the Entry screen, types an asterisk to
stand for a series of letters in a word. In
games, gives a hint or shuffles the letters.
*Hold down the first key while pressing the second.