Key Guide
" Function Keys
(phone) Goes to the Telephone
(schd) Goes to the Scheduler
(memo) Goes to the Memos
(ann) Goes to the Anniversary
(calendar) Goes to the Calendar
(time) Toggles between Home Time and World Time
(alarm) Sets the Alarms and Chimes.
(calc) Goes to the Calculator
(conv) Goes to the Converter
SYNC Goes to Data Communication
" Other Keys
ON/OFF Turns the organizer on and off.
ENTER Stores data in a record, confirms data entries.
EDIT Allows you to edit information. Sets the Home and World Times, Daily
Alarm and Conversion Rates.
SYM Types special symbols, e.g. @, #, etc.
DELETE Deletes a character when editing a record. Deletes the record being
INSERT Allows characters to be inserted when editing a record.
RETURN Moves the cursor to the next line in a record in editing mode.
SPACE Inserts a space in records, accesses the password in Home Time.
cycles through records, World Times, Conversions.
Cycles through records and Conversiones. In the Calendar, selects
alarms 1-3.
Moves cursor in indicated direction.
Controls the Screen Contrast. Displays next record.
Selects the Alarm Clock and then cycles through the Daily, Hourly and
Schedule Alarms to activate/deactivate them.
D (dst) When Home Time is displayed, turns Daylight savings on or off.
L (prompt) Changes the prompt language.
K Deletes the previous character in Calculator mode.
les date dis
between M/D/Y and D/M/Y.