7.4 Project Management
As shown by Figures 7.4-a and 7.4-b, the project management window is divided into two pages:
❍ Source file management page
Used to manage source and include files.
❍ Summary file management page
Used to manage summary files.
Summary file is displayed by double clicking the left mouse button on the file name in the
window of by selecting the Summary command (Figure 7.4-c)
Figure 7.4-c Summary dialog box
This window also provides the following:
❍ Popup menu
The popup menu is displayed by clicking the right mouse button within the window.
The popup menu allows the following operations to be performed quickly:
• Dock: Connects a subwindow to the bottom of its parent window or disconnects it.
• Hide: Turns the window off.
❍ Popup menu on file
The popup menu on file is displayed by double clicking the right mouse button on the file
name is the window.
The popup menu allows the following operations to be performed quickly:
• Open: The selected file is opened in the editor.
• Check: The selected file is checked.
• Compile: The selected file is compiled.
• Delete: The selected file is deleted from the project.
• Property: The file information on the selected file is displayed.
The editor can be started by double clicking the left mouse button on the file name in the