Glossary-2 SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Overview Guide • April 2007
CPU module
(CPUM) A module containing one or two CPU chip(s).
crossbar (XB) The switch ASIC that controls the transfer of data between the System
Controller (SC) and the I/O.
Crossbar unit (XBU) The board that mounts the crossbar large-scale integration (XB ASICs). The
crossbar unit is used in the SPARC Enterprise M9000 model. In the SPARC
Enterprise M9000 with Expansion Cabinet model, the cable among crossbar
units connect each chassis.
dual power feed Type of power feed for the high-reliability system that contains dual lines of
power supply. If one line has stopped, the other line does not stop and enables
the system to continue operation.
reconfiguration (DR) Enables logical attachment and detachment of system boards to and from the
system without causing system downtime. This is the process of physically
installing or removing a system board while the Solaris OS is running.
Enables boards to be electrically isolated (deleteboard) from a domain so
they can be physically removed from the system or added to a different
domain; or to be electrically reattached (addboard) so they can be inserted
into a running server or assigned to a different domain.
ECC Error Correction Code.
eXtended system board
(XSB) eXtended System Board combines the hardware resources of a physical system
board. The SPARC Enterprise servers can generate one or four XSB(s) from one
physical system board: Uni-XSB and Quad-XSB.
eXtended System
Control Facility
(XSCF) The software that runs on the Service Processor and provides control and
monitoring functions for the server.