Glossary-4 SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Overview Guide • April 2007
mode switch A physical key switch on the server that controls system modes: locked and
operator panel
(OPNL) A panel containing system indicators, the cabinet power control button, and
the cabinet mode switch.
OS Operating system.
PCI cassette A container for a PCI card. There are two varieties: PCIe and PCI-X.
PCIe See PCI-Express (PCIe).
(PCIe) A high-speed serial, point-to-point interconnect.
PCI hot plug
(PHP) Active insert or removal of the PCI card, which supports the PCI slot in the
server, during system operation.
PCI-X A faster version of the parallel bus PCI standard. The PCI-X bus has improved
protocols and a faster clock rate.
PHP See PCI hot plug (PHP).
physical system board
(PSB) One physical system board (PSB). PSB offers the CMU configuration and the
CMU and IOU configuration.
power supply unit
Receives AC input and supplies with multiple voltages.