5.6 Port 6, 7
Ports 6 and 7 are input/output ports, and are also used for the external bus function and
timer output function.
■ Port 6, 7
The port has three register per bit, namely DDR, PDR and PFS, and port input/output setup and function
selection can be executed independently per bit.
The external bus function or peripheral function is selected for pins whose PFS is "1", whereas the port
function is selected for those whose PFS is "0". Pins whose DDR is "1" are set to Output, whereas pins
whose DDR is "0" are set to Input.
The PFS is initialized by a reset and the port function is selected. Also, the PDR is undefined and the DDR
is cleared to "0" and the port is specified to input.
In terms of the DDR specification per bit, for output setup, the value written to the PDR is output to the pin,
and the PDR contents are read as the read value of the PDR in this case.
At the time of input setup, the pin will have high impedance status. At this time, the pin level is read from
the read value of the PDR.