2.4 Tilt Angle
The tilt angle shows the direction to which the sound wave is emitted. When the
sound wave is emitted horizontally, the tilt angle is said to be 0° and when
vertically, 90°. The tilt angle can be set between –5°(upward) to 90° (downward),
in increments of 1°. The tilt angles for horizontal 1 and horizontal 2 modes can
be set independently of one another.
2.4.1 Setting the tilt angle
To manually set a tilt angle, operate the [TILT] control. Watch the tilt angle
indication and tilt angle indicator at the top right corner of the screen.
Select tilt angle depending on target fish. For surface fish select a shallow angle
(about 5°) and for bottom fish, a deep angle.
Tilt angle setting range
0-degree horizontal direction (tilt angle 0-degree)
Note: The [TILT] control functions as a bearing setting lever in the following
• TILT LEVER in the DISPLAY SETTING menu is set to “TILT & V1.”
• The vertical display is chosen in the vertical mode.