5GPSMAP 4000/5000 Series Installation Instructions
To attach the enclosed pole mount adapter to the GPS 17:
1. Thread the cable though the pole mount adapter.
2. Align the tab on the pole mount adapter to the notch on the
GPS 17.
3. Use the enclosed screws to secure the pole mount adapter to
the base of the GPS 17.
Attaching the Pole Mount Adapter to the GPS 17
Align Notch
To mount the GPS 17 with the cable run outside the
1. Place the cable in the vertical slot along the base of the
assembled GPS 17 and pole mount adapter.
2. Screw the assembled GPS 17 and pole mount adapter onto
a standard 1" O. D. 14 threads-per-inch marine mount (not
included). DO NOT overtighten the head. Overtightening the
unit may cut the cable.
3. WiththeGPS17installedonthepolemount,lltheremaining
gap in the cable exit with a marine sealant.
4. Fasten the pole mount to the boat if it is not already attached.
5. Routethecableawayfromsourcesofelectronicinterference.
To mount the GPS 17 with the cable run through the
1. Position a standard 1" O. D. (Outer Dimension), 14 threads-per-
inch marine mount (not included) in the preferred location, and
mark the approximate center of the mount.
2. Drill a hole using a
" (19 mm) drill bit for the cable to pass
Fasten the pole mount to the boat .
4. Slide the cable through the pole mount and screw the assembled
GPS 17 and pole mount adapter onto the pole mount.
5. Routethecableawayfromsourcesofelectronicinterference.
Cable run internally
Cable run externally
Attaching the GPS 17 to a Pole Mount