Step Nineteen:
Re-install the lower covers of the
motor. Secure Throttle cable in
a position where it will not get
damaged, cause problems with other
parts, or get pinched between the
motor frame and the covers.
Reconrm that the throttle returns
freely to full Idle.
Step Twenty:
Route the throttle control wire out of the motor covers and to the Electrohydraulic Unit. Secure the wire and
be sure the routing to the box allows for full travel of the motor in both directions plus tilt. Take care that
the wire does not get kinked, twisted or pinched.
Replace cover (cowling). Re-connect the lanyard and/or
Re-connect motor to battery.
Figure 24
Testing the Actuator Functions:
Please refer to the startup section of your owner’s manual before operating your handheld and running the
throttle actuator.
1. With the outboard in the water, or with a proper coolant ush device connected, start the outboard and
let it warm up to operating conditions. Be prepared to kill the outboard ignition if the idle speed is too
high when the engine starts.
2. With the outboard in idle position make sure there is proper slack in the pull string on the throttle
actuator. If the motor does not go to idle, reposition the string by loosening the pinch screw on the brass
3. Using the UP ARROW button on the Handheld verify that the engine rpm’s go up. Using the IDLE/
RESUME button on the handheld verify that the engine returns to idle. Check the throttle up and down
several times along with the idle/res and verify that you don’t have any problems.