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Security Codes & Authority Levels
Security Codes & Authority LevelsSecurity Codes & Authority Levels
Security Codes & Authority Levels
About Security Codes
About Security CodesAbout Security Codes
About Security Codes
Your installer assigned a master code that is used to perform all system functions.
In addition, you can assign different security codes for use by other users (FA168CPS
provides 47 additional codes; FA148CP provides 31 additional codes).
• Only the System Master and Partition Master can assign security codes to users.
• Users are identified by 2-digit user numbers and are pre-assigned to either
partition 1 or partition 2 (FA168CPS).
• Only the System Master can change user partitions.
• In addition to a security code, each user is assigned various system attributes.
• Security codes can be used interchangeably within a partition when performing
system functions (a system armed with one user's code can be disarmed by another
user's code), with the exception of the Guest code and Arm Only code described
• Security code programming involves these steps:
1. Choose a user number from the set of users assigned to the partition in which
the user will be operating, and assign a 4-digit security code.
2. Assign an authority level to that user.
3. Assign other attributes as necessary (see attributes on the next page).
NOTE: The factory settings are designed to meet most normal user situations.
Therefore, the only step you usually need to do when adding users is assign a user
number (from the partition’s pre-assigned user numbers) and a security code.
Authority Level Definitions
Authority Level DefinitionsAuthority Level Definitions
Authority Level Definitions
Authority levels define the system functions a particular user can/cannot perform.
Level Title Explanation
N/A System Master Reserved for user 02; Can perform all system functions and assign codes in
(default = 1234) both partitions; can change its own code as follows:
Master code + [8] + 02 + new master code + new master code again
0 Standard User Can only perform security functions in assigned partition.
Cannot perform system functions reserved for the master user.
1 Arm Only Can only arm the system. Cannot disarm or do other functions.
2 Guest Can arm the system in assigned partitions, but cannot disarm the system
unless the system was armed with this code. This code is typically assigned to
someone (e.g., babysitter or cleaner) who has a need to arm/disarm the system
only at certain times. The user of this code should not use the “Quick Arming”
3 Duress Code Intended for use when you are forced to disarm or arm the system under
threat. When used, the system will act normally, but can silently notify the
Central Monitoring Station of your situation, if that service has been provided.
4 Partition Master (FA168CPS) Can do everything a standard user can do, and
can assign security codes to users in their partition.