190-00728-04 Rev. A
Embraer Prodigy
Flight Deck 100 Pilot’s Guide
Vertically scanning a storm cell:
NOTE: Vertical scanning of a storm cell should be done with the aircraft wings level to avoid constant
adjustment of the Bearing Line.
1) While in the Horizontal Scan view, select the BRG Softkey. This places the cursor in the BEARING field and
displays the Bearing Line.
If the Bearing Line is not displayed, press the MENU Key and turn the large
FMS Knob to select Show Bearing
Line. Press the ENT Key.
2) Press the ENT Key.
3) Turn the small
FMS Knob to place the Bearing Line on the desired storm cell or other area to be vertically
Figure 6-61 Bearing Line on Horizontal Scan
Bearing Line
Scan Line
4) Select the
VERTICAL Softkey. A vertical scan of the selected area is displayed (Figure 6-62).
5) The small
FMS Knob may be used to move the scanned bearing line a few degrees right or left.
6) Turn the RANGE Knob to adjust the range.
7) Press the FMS Knob to remove the cursor.
8) To select a new area to be vertically scanned, select the HORIZON Softkey to return to the Horizontal Scan view
and repeat the previous steps.
TheRANGE Knob can also be used to adjust bearing from left to right.