
BlueChart g2 User’s Guide
vIewIng bluechart g2 > accessIng addItIonal object InformatIon
Accessing Paper-Chart-Specic Information
BlueChart g2 cartography provides paper-chart-specic information, such as chart publisher,
print date, edition date, NTM (Notice to Mariners), correction date, and scale. Additional notes
are available for the paper charts.
To view paper-chart-specic information on your Garmin unit:
Place the unit’s cursor on an open area of the chart, and press ENTER. A
window shows the chart information and allows you to view additional notes
about the chart area.
BlueChart g2 maps stay true to chart presentation and do not modify content. By providing
paper chart-specic information, you can know exactly from which chart and scale each
displayed feature is digitized. BlueChart g2 electronic charts are a faithful reproduction of the
published ofcial paper charts that mariners are required to carry.
BlueChart g2 data is not seamless. Just like the paper charts from which the data is derived,
you might observe some discontinuity along chart borders on your Garmin unit. For example,
if a contour is present on one chart, and not on the adjacent chart, the BlueChart g2 data is
represented on your Garmin unit the same way.