TR-1 Gladiator Specications
Pump Set 15.375” L x 7.5”T x 7.5”W
ECU 6.5” H x 7” W x 2” D
Compass Ball 3.6”Diameter Cable Length 20’
HH/Remote 5” x 2.5 x 1” Cable Length 20’
Deckmount/On-Off 5/8” x 2.5 ” Cable Length 10’
Battery Cable 12 gauge Cable Length 8’
Tach Cable Cable Length 13’
Warning Horn Wire Length 9’
Shadow Drive 2-5/8” L X 1-1/4 Dia Wire Length 9’
Supply Voltage 11.5-14.0 VDC
In line fuse ATO 40 Amp
Operating Ambient Temperature 20 to 120 deg.F
Preparation For Installation
You will be hard mounting four components in your boat:1) The pump unit 2) The Deckmount switch 3) The
Compass Ball 4) The Electronic Control Unit (ECU). Other components to install include, Shadow Drive Valve,
Warning Horn, Battery Cable, Tachometer inputs, Handheld and optional is the NMEA (GPS) connections.
Spend some time to gure out where you are going to mount all of the components before you start to mount any
of them. Place components where you expect to mount them and verify you have access to, length, and routes for
the cables and hoses that connect the components. 10, 6, & 3 meter extension cables with the pico connectors
at both ends are available for extending the Handheld, Compass Ball, Deckmount, from TR-1. The Warning
horn and Shadow Drive may be extended using any 18-22 gauge wire. The Tach can be extended at the wire ends
by using shielded twisted pair, the cable end can be extended using a standard pico extension.
• Tools Needed
Some tools will be required for installation of the autopilot. Drill and drill bits, Phillips
screwdriver, end wrenches, wire strippers, pliers, side cutters, hose cutter/pipe cutter, safety
Other supplies that may be needed: Hydraulic uid, rags, Helm/Hydraulic Bleeding Equipment.
Refer to helm bleeding instructions for proper tools required.
• Mounting Screws & Wire Ties
Some mounting screws are provided. You may choose to drill and tap the mounting surface.
Some wire ties are included in the installation kit, but you may need more
depending on application.