Setting serial port parameters
To be compliant with IT or other policies the console parameters can be changed from the CLI
interface. This is best done by setting the IP address and then telnet over to the switch. Once
connected using telnet, the serial parameters can be changed. If you are using the serial port,
remember to set the VT-100 emulation software properties to match the new settings.
Syntax set serial [baud=<rate>] [data=<5|6|7|8>] [parity=<none|odd|even>]
[stop=<1|1.5|2>] [flowctrl=<none|xonxoff>]
Where <rate> = standard supported baud rates
Warning – changing these parameters through the serial port will cause loss of
connectivity – the parameters of the terminals software (e.g. Hyper Terminal etc.)
will also have to be changed to match the new settings.
To see the current settings of the serial port, use the ‘show serial’ command.
Magnum6K25# show serial
Baud Rate : 38400
Data : 8
Parity : No Parity
Stop : 1
Flow Control : None
FIGURE 30 - Querying the serial port settings
System parameters
The system parameters can be queried and changed. To query the system parameters, two
commands are used frequently. They are ‘show sysconfig’ and ‘show setup’. Both the
commands are shown below.
Magnum6K25# show setup
Version : Magnum 6K25 build 14.1 Jul 28 2008 07:51:45
MAC Address : 00:20:06:25:b7:e0
IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
Gateway Address :
CLI Mode : Manager
System Name : Magnum6K25
System Description : 25 Port Modular Ethernet Switch