Catena Series Lamination Guides
Film Nap-Lam II Nap-Lam I *Vinyl Premium Hi-Tac
Stock Gauge Preset Positions Settings Settings Settings Settings
20# mic Temp (C) Speed Temp (C) Speed Temp (C) Speed Temp (C) Speed Temp (C) Speed
Bond 38 120 8 143 7 123 8
75 115 6 132 5 107 4
125 110 5 121 3 110 5 104 3
250 105 3 99 3
80# 38 120 6 146 7 123 6
Bond 75 115 5 135 5 110 4
125 110 3 121 2 110 3 107 3
250 105 2 107 3
10 Pt. 38 120 5 149 6 123 4
Board 75 115 4 135 4 112 4
125 110 2 121 2 110 2 110 3
250 105 2 104 2
Film Nap-Lam II Nap-Lam I *Vinyl Premium Hi-Tac
Stock Gauge Preset Positions Settings Settings Settings Settings
20# mil Temp (F) Speed Temp (F) Speed Temp (F) Speed Temp (F) Speed Temp (F) Speed
Bond 1.5 248 8 290 7 255 8
3 239 6 270 5 225 4
5 230 5 250 3 230 5 220 3
10 221 3 210 3
80# 1.5 248 6 295 7 255 6
Bond 3 239 5 275 5 230 4
5 230 3 250 2 230 3 225 3
10 221 2 215 3
10 Pt. 1.5 248 5 300 6 255 4
Board 3 239 4 275 4 235 4
5 230 2 250 2 230 2 230 3
10 221 2 220 2
6/97 You may have to adjust temperature or speed depending on stock finish, thickness and ink coverage. *Turn heat off when not in use.
6/97 You may have to adjust temperature or speed depending on stock finish, thickness and ink coverage. *Turn heat off when not in use.
One GBC Plaza
Northbrook, Illinois 60062