GE Energy Services
Configuration Guide
A164-0CG-1.00-2 Restricted
A.2 Non-Fatal Error Messages
Non-fatal errors cause the offending process to log a message to the WESMAINT Error Log and
suspend without affecting the rest of the BECO2200 DCA. For example, if a single polling
process encounters a non-fatal error, no polling will occur on the associated communication port.
However, demand scans on the communication port will still be an available option.
This section contains a description of all these non-fatal errors. Expressions in angular brackets
like “<x>”, are filled with the appropriate values by the BECO2200 DCA. Each non-fatal error
message contains a unique identification number, within the range of E300 through E499.
E300: PORT rec <x>, invalid baud rate
• Record <x> of the A164PORT table contains an invalid Baud Rate.
• Communication to all BECO2200 devices configured to use this port will be unavailable.
• Review the section on configuring the A164PORT table (Chapter 4:), and verify that the
Baud Rate configuration parameter is configured as either 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800,
or 9600.
E301: PORT rec <x>, invalid failures before offline
• Record <x> of the A164PORT table contains an invalid Failures Before Offline.
• Communication to all BECO2200 devices configured to use this port will be unavailable.
• Review the section on configuring the A164PORT table (Chapter 4:), and verify that the
Failures Before Off-line configuration parameter is greater than zero.
E302: PORT rec <x>, num of devices exceeds UNIT
• The Number of Devices on Port parameter in record <x> of the A164PORT table is greater
than the number of records in the A164UNIT table.
• Communication to all BECO2200 devices configured to use this port will be unavailable.
• Review the section on configuring the A164PORT table (Chapter 4:), and verify that the
Number of Devices on Port is correct.