arm sensesa sufficient
accumulationofice cubesinthe
storagebin and haltsthe operation
%y- temporarily.For maximumice
~our~and occasionally.Be sure
nothinginterfereswith the swingof
thefeeler arm.
Theicemaker ejectscubesin
groupsofeightand it is normalfor
severalcubesto bejoined together.
Once your hmnaker isin
OpBOatiOII, throw
batches ofke cubes. Thiswill
flushawayany impuritiesinthe
waterline. Do the same thingafter
;~aca~jons or extended when
Under certain rare
circumstances, ice cubes may
be discolored,usuallyappearing
with a green-bluishhue. The
of factors, such as certain
characteristics oflocal waters,
householdplumbing and the
accumulation ofcopper saltsin
an inactivewatersupply line
which feeds the icemaker.
Continued consumptionofsuch
discolored ice cubes may be
injuriousto health. If such
discoloration is observed,
discard the ice cubes and
contact your GE Factory
Service Center or an authorized
Customer Care” servicer.
N.ioveieemaker feeler arm to
ORE’(Up)position when:
supply is to be offfor
Qice storage bin is to be removed
IL)I-a period of time
o going
~lw~y OI_Ivacation, at which
i you should also turn off’the
IAVCin the water supply line to
If ice is used old
..----j cLIbcswili become cloudy and task
“ S[:IICand wi11shrilk. Ihpty im
-%s[t}ra:gebiil periodicalIy and w’ashit
L i11k(.!’vv:?1“[11\vatcl”.
If this i yam f i
you’llhear occasionalsoundsthat
maybe unfamiliar.Theyarenormal
icernakingsoundsandare not
causefor concern.
Ice traysare designedto releaseice
cubes easily.Hold tray upside-
downovera containerandtwist
both endsto release cubes.
Foronly one or two ice cubes,
leavethe tray right-sideup, twist
both ends slightlyand remove
desired number of cubes.
Washice traysand storagebin in
lukewarm water only.Do notput
them in an automatic dishwasher.
l’VVo’-Position Shelf in
The shelfin the freezercompartment
can be relocated for extra storage
Torelocate the sh;lf, lift slightly
and move it sidewaysto free the
ends of the shelf from the holes in
the walls. Then tilt the shelf and
take it out. To reinstall the shelf,
first insert oileend and then the
other into the second set of holes.
a e
AGE automaticicernakerwill
replacetheice youuse...
automatically.It can keepyou
suppliedwith abinfulof cubes—
ice for everything,everybody—
withoutfussor muss.
If yourrefrigeratordidnotcome
alreadyequippedwith an automatic
icemaker,youmayadd one—
contactyourlocal GE dealer;
speci~ UK-KIT-4or IM-I. A water
supplykit containingcopper
instructionsneededto connectthe
icemakertoyour cold waterline is
also availableat extracost.
meperfect to
your kemdKw--
a w mt$%accessory
Yourice cubescan only
be as fresh-tastingasthe
waterthat produces
them. That’swhy it’sa
good idea to purify your
waterwith a water filter.
Its activatedcharcoal
odors andunpleasant
medicinal, metallic
tastes. A porousfiber
cartridge catchesdirt,
rust particles, sand and
reduce depositsofhard
The water filter is an option at
extracost and is availablefrom your
GE dealer. SpecifyWIW7X0214.It
has completeinstallationinstructions
and installsin minuteson 1/4”OD
copper water line.