
About the washer features.
NOTE"Not all features are available on all washer models.
Separate for cleaning.
Cleaning the Fabric Softener Dispenser (onsome models)
[Z] ]_emo',e the dispenser ti'om the top ot the agitator;
I I I ,, I , I I ,_
['_Se )arate the dis )enser cu ) fl'om the co',er 1)'_ gras )ing the to ) and )ushin,, down
on the inside of the cup with your finge_s. Dispenser cup will pop fl'ee fl'om the
Co_, ei;
rj]To clean the dispense_; soak both the dispenser cup and the dispenser coxer in the
fidlowing solution:
1/4 cup (60 ml) heavy duty liquid detergent
I cup (240ml)bleach
[-_]f necessary; loosen 1)uildup with a (lean, soft cloth after soaking. Do not use a stiff
brush; )ou ma) roughen the sm_fi_ce of the (lispense_:
N Rinse and reassemble dispenser Place dispenser back on the agitator
Liquid Bleach Dispenser (onsomemodels)
The dispenser dilutes liquid chlorine 1)leach before it reaches vet:u" wash load.
[Z] Check clothing care labels fi)r special instructions.
['_ Measm'e liqtfid bleach carefull):, following instructions on the bottle.
Never pour undiluted liquidchlorine bleach dkect/y onto clothes or into the wash baskeL
Do not pour powderedbleach into bleach dispenser
[_] Before starting the washe_; pore" nleasured amount oI bleach dire('tl) into 1)lea(h
disi)enser A_oid si)lashin_, or o_ e_filling, disi)enser ]f_ou, I)refer to t/se [)owdered
bleach, add it into the wash basket with wmr (lete_gent.
Do not mix chlorine bleach with ammonia or acids such as vinegar and/or rust remover
Mixingcanproducea toxic gas which may cause death.