
other washable Fabrics
Rubwithice or immerse invery coldwater. Usedull tool to
Gum, etc.)
care~lly scrapeofas much adhesiveorgumaspossible. Sponge
witha safe dry cleaningfluid,*then launder.
Sameas whiteandbleachablefabrics.
Applyundilutedliquiddetergent. Rinse. If stain remains, bleach
accordingtoStainRemovalHint on oppositepage. If color has
changed,youmaybe able to restore it byspongingwith
ammonia.= Rinsethoroughly.
Soakin cold water,then launder in warm water.If stain remains,
bleachaccording toStain RemovalHint on oppositepage, launder,
Soakin cold water,Treat stainwith a safe dry cleaning fluid*;
Sameas whiteand bleachablefabrics
exceptuse non-chlorinebleach.
Spongeor soak in coolwater, thenlaunder.
Chocolate, Cream,
Ice Cream and Milk
Coffeeand Tea
Soakin cold water. Spongewith a safedry
detergent. Launder in warm water.
Spongewith warm water.If stain remains,
apply warmglycerine, let stand 30minutes
and rinse well, or spongewith a safe dry
cleaning fluid.*Launder.
Spongewith a safe dry cleaning fluid.*
Then launder in warmdetergent water.
Withoutcream: Bleachaccording to StainRemovalHint on
oppositepage. Launder. Withcream; Followguide directions for
Treatstain with safe dry cleaning fluid.*Apply undilutedliquid
detergent; launder and dry. Bleach accordingto StainRemoval
Hinton opposite page.
Cosmetics: EyeShadow,
Lipstick, Mascara, Liquid
or Pancake iMakeup,Rouge,
Powder;Crayon; Grease,
Oil, Tar, Cod Liver Oil.
Soakstain in cool water. If stain remains, bleach according to Stain
RemovalHint on oppositepage, launder.
Fresh Fruit, Fruit Juices,
Wine, Vegetables,or Food
Spongewith warm water.Bleach remaining
stain with non-chlorine bleach.
Spongewith warm water, Applyundill~ted
liquiddetergent. Bleach remaining stain
with non-chlorine bleach, then launder,
Old mildew stains can seldom be removed.
Scorch can seldom be removed.
Grass, Foliage, Flowers,
Applyundiluted liquid detergent. Launder. (Treat mildew spots
whilethey are fresh, before mold has a chance to weakenfabric.) If
:ithcr type stain remains, bleach according to Stain RemovalHint
~nopposite page, Iaundcr. (Severe scorch cannot be removed.)
~rcshstains: Place stain face downon an absorbent toweland
pongcwith dry cleaning fluid? or usc spray cleaner. Apply
]ndilutcdliquid detergent. Old stains; bleach according to Stain
{cmov~lHint on opposite page.
ink, Ballpoint
Same as white and bleachable fabrics
exceptlaunder using non-chlorine bleach.
Same as white and bleachable fabrics.
I>;iintand Varnisfl
;oftcnwith oilylard or Vaseline, then sponge with turpentine or
:inaila oil. Launder in warm water.
Launder in warm water. Rinse well. Bleach
with non-chlorine bleach.
~pplyundiluted liquid detergent and launder inwarm water. If
olor has changed you may be able to restore it bytreating with
nlmoniaor vinegar.:+”!’If any stain remains, treat with safe dry
!eaningfit~id’~or bleach according to Stain RemovalHint on
>positepage, launder and dry.
pl}lyr[ls! rc[nover;<’+’
usinS manufnctllrcr’s directions. Rinse and
. -—-.——.——________
$amc as white and bleachable fabrics.
-—..———-—__.___ ._.,__”_