Ver 2.0
A Message from Genesis
Congratulations! You are now the owner of the finest loudspeaker
system in the world. The Genesis Advanced Technologies 1.1
Loudspeaker System is the embodiment of our philosophy of
absolute fidelity
” – the ability to reproduce any musical event
faithfully, with no compromise, in your home. With its vast abilities, the
Genesis 1.1 is also able to deliver sound as the filmmaker intended in
home theater applications.
The Genesis 1.1 is commissioned for the most discerning music
lovers in the world. Every system is custom made and unique. It is the
state-of-the-art in transducer technology and craftsmanship.
A Short History: In June 1979, Mr. Arnie Nudell, the founder of
Infinity Systems and Genesis, headed a small team at Infinity that
conceived and created the remarkable Infinity Reference Standard
(IRS). This soon came to be known as the world’s ultimate reference
system for the reproduction of music. Fourteen years later in June
1993, Nudell, in collaboration with Paul McGowan, introduced to the
world the Genesis 1 – a new benchmark for the reference
loudspeaker system.
The current Genesis 1.1 embodies over 20 years of evolution and
revolution in loudspeaker design. It is the current ultimate reference
for the reproduction of music. Whereas many other products might
excel in one or more key areas, the Genesis 1.1 excels in every
important aspect of sound reproduction:
Spectral Coherence: The sound must be seamless, as if the lowest
bass frequencies were cut from the same cloth as the highest
Harmonic Structure: All instruments must be readily identifiable by
their harmonic content. There must be a uniformly consistent energy
vs. frequency ratio throughout the entire audio spectrum with uniformly
low distortion in order for this to be achieved.
Macro Dynamic Capability: Sometimes characterized as “dynamic
range”, macro-dynamics can be best defined in musical terms – from
mezzo forte (mf or medium-loud), to triple forte (fff or very loud).