
112 EasyCoder 3400e Bar Code Label Printer User’s Manual
cables, 9
definition, 105
description, 92
pin assignments, illustrated, 92
using to connect a PC to the 3400, 9
dot increments, number of, 60
media sensitivity number, 24, 26
soft font, definition, 105
software configuration label, printing, 25
speed, printing, 70
stacked symbologies, See 2D symbologies
Standard protocol
definition, 105
described, 86
straight-through printing, 18
2D, described 74
Codabar, 73
Code 11, 73
Code 128, 73
Code 16K, 74
Code 2 of 5, 73
Code 39, 73
Code 49, 75
Code 93, 73
Data Matrix, 75
EAN, 74
Interleaved 2 of 5, 74
Maxicode, 75
PDF417, 75
QR Code, 76
UPC, 74
symbology, definition, 105
tear bar, cleaning, 36
Test and Service mode
86XX Emulation mode, 62
changing configuration commands from, 59
Data Line Print, 58
DIP switch settings, 57
entering, 56
exiting, 56
memory reset, 58
printing test labels, 58
using forms adjust, 63
X forms adjust, 64
Y forms adjust, 65
test label
example of hardware configuration, 7
printing, 29, 58
thermal transfer
definition, 105
ribbon, loading, 22, 23
third-party software, 29
throughput, increasing, 53
top of form, definition, 105
checklist, 42
communication problems, 45
data loss, 46
print quality problems, 44
printer operation problems, 42
twinax interface option, 71
U, V, X, Y
UDC, definition, See graphic, definition
UDF, definition, See soft font, definition
definition, 106
described, 74
uploading, definition, 28
user-defined protocol, 89
variable data field, definition, 106
X forms adjust, See also top of form, set command
default origin, 64
setting dot increments, 60
setting with DIP switches, 64
definition, 106
described, 87
no status protocol, 88
Y forms adjust
default origin, 64
setting dot increments, 60
setting with DIP switches, 65
yellow LED, troubleshooting, 45