Operator's Manual Third Edition • Second Printing
14 GS-1530 • GS-1532 • GS-1930 • GS-1932 Part No. 1000032
Observe and Obey:
Only routine maintenance items specified in this
manual shall be performed by the operator.
Scheduled maintenance inspections shall be
completed by qualified service technicians,
according to the manufacturer's specifications
and the requirements specified in the
responsibilities manual.
Maintenance Symbols Legend
The following symbols have been
used in this manual to help
communicate the intent of the
instructions. When one or more of
the symbols appear at the
beginning of a maintenance
procedure, it conveys the meaning
Indicates that tools will be required to
perform this procedure.
Indicates that new parts will be required to
perform this procedure.
Check the Hydraulic Oil Level
Maintaining the hydraulic oil at the proper levels is
essential to machine operation. Improper hydraulic
oil levels can damage hydraulic components. Daily
checks allow the inspector to identify changes in oil
level that might indicate the presence of hydraulic
system problems.
Perform this procedure with the
platform in the stowed position.
1 Visually inspect the oil level in the hydraulic
Result: The hydraulic oil level should be as
marked on the tank.
2 Add oil if necessary. Do not overfill.
Hydraulic oil specifications
Hydraulic oil type Chevron Rykon
Premium MV equivalent