Introduction 1
The Quad-Z 215 Liquid Handler is delivered with
all major components already assembled except for
auxiliary parts such as the Z-arm, probe, racks,
tubing, etc. Keep the original container and
packing assembly in case the liquid handler must
be returned to the factory.
The Quad-Z 215 Liquid Handler and its
components are shipped in two containers:
• One container holds the auxiliary items, such as
locator plate, tubing, probes, rinse station, Z-arm,
and any other accessories you may have ordered
with your system.
• The other container holds the Quad-Z 215
Liquid Handler.
To remove the liquid handler from its container:
1 Cut the metal strapping.
2 Lift the outer box off and away from the liquid
3 Lift the inner box off and away from the liquid
4 Lift the unit off its base platform and place it on
a lab bench or cart. Gilson recommends that
two people lift the liquid handler off the base
of the packing container. To lift the liquid
a) Using the two cutouts for hand holds, place
a hand at the base of the packing container.
b) Grip the liquid handler under the base plate.
c) Lift the unit up and out of the foam packing
material. The side containing the electronics
cabinet is the heavier side.
Do not attempt to lift the instrument from the Y-arm
(the horizontal arm). Always lift the instrument from
its base.