3A2012J 27
Perform this procedure upon initial system setup, when-
ever hoses are disconnected, if the supply hose is
removed from the supply container, or if either pump is
run dry. If done properly, this will prime the lines with
fluid and/or remove any air bubbles from the fluid lines.
NOTE: If using an NXT air motor with DataTrak, see
DataTrak Operation, page 33.
NOTE: For systems with DataTrak: When priming
pumps, it is normal to get cavitation or pump runaway
alarms. Clear alarms , and press again as
necessary. These alarms prevent excessive pump
speeds, which will damage pump packings.
1. To enable the user to better see fluid exiting each
fluid port, the front end of the RS gun can be
removed. This step is optional but can be very use-
a. Follow Pressure Relief Procedure and Shut-
down on page 24.
b. Remove the RS gun front end. See RS gun
manual list on page 3 if desired.
2. Verify the resin suction tube is in the resin supply
container. Verify catalyst pump inlet tube is properly
connected to the catalyst reservoir and catalyst
pump fluid inlet ball valve is open. Verify both the
resin supply container and catalyst supply reservoir
have adequate fluid levels.
3. Units with runaway protection only: enable the
prime/flush function by pushing the prime/flush but-
ton on the DataTrak. This prevents the DataTrak
from stopping the pump if it detects a high cycle
4. Verify the pressure relief/recirculation valves on the
catalyst pump is set to the pressure relief/recircula-
tion position.
Oil left in the system at the factory can react with cata-
lyst and create a fire or explosion.
• Flush before first use.
• Do not add catalyst to the catalyst reservoir until
the system has been flushed.
Never allow the pump to run dry of the fluid being
pumped. A dry pump quickly accelerates to a high
speed, possibly damaging itself and causing overpres-
surization and equipment rupture. If your pump accel-
erates quickly or is running too fast, stop it immediately
and check the fluid supply. If the supply container is
empty and air has been pumped into the lines, refill the
container and prime the pump and the lines with fluid,
or flush and leave it filled with a compatible solvent. Be
sure to eliminate all air from the fluid system.
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