3A2012J 19
3. Install solvent flush diaphragm pump or pressure
pot (if ordered).
a. Use the supplied hardware to install the dia-
phragm pump or pressure pot onto the base of
the cart in the mounting holes provided.
b. Use supplied hardware to install solvent supply
tank onto the base of the cart.
4. Install DataTrak Upgrade Kit (if ordered). Follow the
detailed instructions in DataTrak manual listed on
page 3.
5. Assemble the boom as shown below then slide the
boom onto the system pole (if ordered).
6. Use the supplied hardware to install the roving box
bracket onto the pole. Install the top pole clamp
above the lower arm of the boom as shown below (if
ordered). If there is a second roving box, use long
hex screws as shown below to secure mounting
plate of second roving box to the mounting plate of
the first roving box.
Solvent Flush Dia-
phragm Pump shown
Deflector Plates
Roving Guides