WARNING: Do not attempt to transfer a patient without prior approval of the patient’s
healthcare professional and without having read the instructions and practiced using
the patient lift.
WARNING: Use special care for those patients who cannot cooperate while being lifted.
WARNING: Ensure all bolts, hooks, and loops are securely fastened.
WARNING: Use only Lumex slings with Lumex patient lifts.
WARNING: DO NOT use torn, cut, frayed or broken slings as injury could result.
WARNING: Ensure the oor area is clear of any obstacle that could cause a caster to
stop and possibly tip the patient lift.
Info: Instructional videos that review the application of several sling styles and lifting sce-
narios are available at www.grahamfield.com.
Lifting the patient from a bed
1. With patient face-up in center of bed, roll patient onto their side away from attendant.
2. Place sling, folded lengthwise, halfway under patient with lower edge just beneath knees.
Roll patient onto their side toward attendant, pull sling to smooth it, and center patient on sling.
4. Pull the leg loops forward and under the thighs.
5. Cross the loops, one through the other.
6. Roll the patient lift under the bed, locating the spreader bar over the patient. Be careful not to
lower the spreader bar onto the patient. Center the spreader bar over the patient before lifting.
WARNING: Do not lock or block the patient lift casters when lifting. The casters must be
free to roll so that the patient lift can stabilize as the patient is lifted from the bed.
WARNING: To ensure stability while lifting or transferring a patient, the patient lift legs
must be locked in the maximum open position.
7. Hook the sling loops onto the spreader bar.
8. If the patient is in a hospital bed, raise the bed's head section to elevate the patient.
9. Raise the patient carefully. If possible, lower the bed. Reposition the patient as needed, using
the handle on the back of the sling, to ensure a safe and comfortable sitting position as the
patient is raised.
10. Raise the patient until the buttocks are just above the mattress. Lift the patient’s legs and turn
the patient to face the lifting column. Move the patient lift away from the bed. Ensure that the
patient's arms and legs clear the patient lift, bed, or any other obstacles.
Lowering the patient onto a bed
Raise the patient lift until the patient’s buttocks are above the surface of the bed. Ensure that
there are no obstacles underneath or around the bed. Move the patient lift under the bed. Ensure
the patient does not hit any portion of the bed and that the patient’s legs have cleared the bed.
Center the patient over the bed, and rotate the patient to face the foot section of the bed. SLOW-
LY release the pressure knob by turning counter-clockwise for gradual lowering of the patient.
Carefully lower the patient onto the bed. Support the patient’s head, if necessary, while being
lowered. Remove the sling by reversing the procedures used when lifting patient from bed.