Congratulations on your purchase of the Lumex LF1050 Patient Lift. The following pages will
provide you with important safety and operating instructions on the use of patient lifts, slings, and
accessories, as well as maintenance and warranty information. Read this manual carefully before
operating your patient lift and refer to it as often as needed. Consult your authorized distributor
and/or healthcare professional with any questions or concerns regarding safe and effective
techniques for operating your patient lift.
DO NOT attempt any transfer without prior approval of the patient’s healthcare provider. With
their assistance, select the sling that best serves the needs, abilities, comfort and safety of the
person being lifted. It is important that you use correct slings adapted to the body shape and
weight and ability of the patient and the specic type of transfer needed.
Upon receipt of the patient lift, and prior to each use, inspect it closely to ensure that nothing
is damaged, there are no loose or broken parts, that all patient lift parts are in the proper place,
etc. Immediately replace any worn or broken components. Your patient lift should receive
maintenance on a regular schedule and should be inspected daily for proper operation. Contact
your Graham-Field authorized distributor for service and repairs.
Before lifting anyone, thoroughly read the instructions in this manual. Ideally, observe a team of
trained experts performing the lifting procedures. The operator should then practice the entire
lifting procedure several times with proper supervision and with a capable individual acting as
patient. It is extremely important to know how a patient will feel in the patient lift. We suggest that
the operator try all the various lifting slings and equipment until the operator is condent with
how the patient lift operates. The lifting procedures should be explained to the patient before the
actual lifting. Remember that safety requires the constant attention of the lift occupant and the
operator. Use extreme care and common sense when operating a patient lift.
This guide covers the use of the Lumex LF1050 Patient Lift. Keep in mind that the basic safety
procedures included in this manual are to be used as a guide only. You may nd it necessary
to develop your own unique methods for safely utilizing the patient lift. Again, consult your
healthcare professionals for their recommendations and never hesitate to ask for their assistance.
Info: Before attempting to assemble the patient lift, refer to the section titled “ASSEMBLY
INSTRUCTIONS” contained elsewhere in this manual. Contact your Graham-Field authorized
distributor if additional assistance is needed.
Info: In this manual, the person being lifted is referred to as the “patient” or “occupant”
and the person operating the patient lift is called the “operator” or “attendant”.
Intended use
The Lumex LF1050 Patient Lift is intended to aid in the transfer of an individual who is unable to
independently transfer between bed, chair, bathtub, wheelchair, and/or commode.
WARNING: The Lumex LF1050 Patient Lift is designed for transfer only (to and from bed,
chair, bathtub, toilet, wheelchair, commode etc.). This Patient Lift is not intended to be
used for transporting or moving a patient from one location to another.