
1,006,579 hours of listening. In addition to duration of listening, Arbitron also publishes
demographic highlights such as the peak listening day, peak listening time, geography,
age and gender categories, etc.
While such statistical evidence is very useful, it does little to help media service providers
and webcasters who need much more detailed insight into user behaviour. To this end,
media statistics products or services should be used.
Compared to static web pages, streaming media requires much more bandwidth (more
data is transferred in the same time unit) and is more sensitive to Internet infrastructure
problems, such as latency, packet loss and jitter resulting in poor audio.
Because of the large performance variations that occur on the Internet, it is important for
content providers to measure the performance of their media to gain an objective view on
what their users are experiencing. The media monitoring statistics may help content
providers to learn how their sites are performing, how they compare to the competition
and where they can actually make improvements. Measurements can reveal geographic
differences that may be related to the ISP services, backbone problems that can be
quickly identified and repaired, insufficient caching or server power that should be beefed
up, etc.
Media Monitoring statistics may be standalone or can be integrated with other visitor data.
It provides answers to questions like how many visitors start the audio or video stream?
How long do they watch or listen? How often do they click on play, pause or stop? What
is the quality of the reception? It allows content providers to find out, for instance, if the
online sales of a particular CD increase after visitors have listened to it online, or whether
visitors return to the website more often after they have seen a video.
Modern Media Monitoring statistics also provides a possibility to use bookmarks by
visitors and measures how often web pages are being added to the favourites of visitors.
In addition, the measurement of visitor loyalty has been improved. For every visitor, it is
now determined, often by using cookies, whether they are visiting the site for the first
time,or if they have been there before.
In providing Streaming Media there are several parameters that are analogous to those
monitored for the websites. If we replace Webpages with Streams and Visitors with
Requests, we may consider the following parameters for media monitoring:
number of requests for each stream (per day, week, month, etc.)
origin - where do requests for streams come from (e.g., which IP number,
organisation, country, etc.)
most demanded streams or most demanded parts of streams
peak number of successfully provided streams