Make sure the meter has been
calibrated and the protective
cap has been removed. Im-
merse the tip of the probe in
the sample to be tested and
ensure that the temperature
sensor is also immersed.
To display values in % satura-
tion, press RANGE.
For accurate dissolved oxygen measure-
ments, a water movement of at least 30 cm
(12”)/sec is required. This is to ensure that
oxygen depleted on the membrane surface is
constantly replenished. A moving stream will
provide adequate circulation.
During field measurements, this condition may
be obtained by manually stirring the probe.
Accurate readings are not possible while the
liquid is statinary.
During laboratory measurements, the use of a
magnetic stirrer to ensure a certain agitation of
the fluid is recommended. This way, any er-
rors due to the presence of air bubbles on the
menbrane surface are minimized.
For an accurate measurement, allow suffi-
cient time for thermal equilibrium between the
probe and the measurement sample (a few
minutes if the temperature difference is sev-
eral degrees).
The mg/L readings make it possible to read the
concentration of the dissolved oxygen directly
in ppm.