Page 7SKU 02471
Cleaning (Gun should be attached to compressor to complete the cleaning process.)
Warning!! Do not use paint strippers on this unit as they will damage the aluminum. Never
allow the unit to lay on it’s side while paint is in the Cup (#17).
1. Empty paint from Cup (#17) and add small amount of clean solvent. Replace Cup (#17)
and shake vigorously. At the lowest possible pressure, spray out the solvent into a waste
bucket (make sure you are wearing respirator and eye protection).
2. Empty Cup (#17) of remaining solvent and repeat the process until the Cup (#17) appears
clean and free of the paint.
3. Disconnect air supply. Remove surplus solvent and wipe the Cup (#17) clean with a lint
free cloth.
Note: The Cup (#17) may be fully immersed in solvent for no more than 24 hours if needed.
4. Loosen the Regulator Guide (#8) to expose the right side of the Needle Shaft (#9). Use
the toothbrush to clean the Needle Shaft (#9) with solvent. Replace and tighten the
Regulator Guide (#8) and the Needle Shaft (#9). Do not force any parts or they will break.
Wipe the entire Body (#3) clean with a lint free cloth.
Note: Always dispose of paints and solvents properly. Consult the local hazardous
waste authority for proper disposal procedures and sites.