the grip so that the ferrule notches are at the top. To pre-
vent binding, pull the grip back about 1/8 inch (3.2 mm).
14. Refer to Figure 5. Position the new lower switch housing
beneath the throttle control grip. Install the brass ferrules
onto the cables so that the end fittings seat in the ferrule
recess. Seat the ferrules in their respective notches on
the throttle control grip.Verify that the cables are captured
in the grooves molded into the grip.
15. Position the upper switch housing over the handlebar and
lower switch housing.
16. Verify that wire harness conduit runs in the depression at
the bottom of the handlebar. Be sure that the upper switch
housing harness will not be pinched under the handlebar
when the switch housing screws are tightened.
Do not remove the 5/32 inch cardboard insert wedged between
the brake lever and lever bracket. Removal will result in
damage to the rubber boot and plunger of the Front Stoplight
Switch during installation of the master cylinder assembly.
17. Start the upper and lower switch housing screws, but do
not tighten.
18. See Figure 7. Position the brake lever/master cylinder
assembly inboard of the switch housing assembly
engaging the tab on the lower switch housing in the groove
at the top of the brake lever bracket.
19. Align the holes in the handlebar clamp with those in the
master cylinder housing and start the two screws (with flat
washers). Position the assembly for rider comfort. Begin-
ning with the top screw, tighten the screws to 60-80 in-lbs
(6-9 Nm) using a T27 TORX
drive head.
1. Brake lever bracket
2. Groove
3. Tab
4. New switch assembly with cruise Set/Resume
Figure 7. Installing Brake Lever/Master Cylinder Assembly
to Right Switch Housing Assemblies
When performing the following Step, tighten the lower switch
housing screw first so that any gap between the upper and
lower housings is at the front of the switch.
20. Using a T25 TORX
drive head, tighten the lower then
upper switch housing screws to 35-45 in-lbs (4-5 Nm).
21. Remove the cardboard insert between the brake lever and
lever bracket.
22. See Figure 10. Obtain two harness retainers (4) from kit.
Adjust the harness so it runs under the handlebar and
secure harness conduit to holes in lower side of handlebar
by inserting barbed ends of retainers.
Install New Left Handlebar Control with Harness
Prior to performing the next step, cut all cable ties securing left
control switch harness to handlebars and discard.
1. Trace the left control switch harness wiring to the head-
lamp area (with nacelle removed) and locate the Grey 8-
place Molex Connector. Disconnect the handlebar switch
half from the connector.
2. Using a T27 TORX
drive head, remove the two screws
with flat washers securing the handlebar clamp to the
clutch lever bracket. Remove the clutch hand lever
assembly and clamp from the handlebar. Save all hard-
ware for reinstallation.
3. Using a T25 TORX
drive head, remove the upper and
lower switch housing screws. Save switch housing screws
for reinstallation. Remove the left handlebar control and
harness and discard.
It is not necessary to remove the left handlebar grip. Leave
grip in place.
4. See Figure 10. Obtain the new Left Handlebar Control
with Harness (3) from kit.
5. See Figure 8. Position the left switch control upper (1) and
lower (2) housings onto the handlebar (3). Be sure that
rib (4) on outboard side of switch housings fits in groove
(5) molded into the grip.
1. Left switch control upper
2. Left switch control lower
3. Handlebar
4. Rib
5. Groove
6. Wire harness conduit
Figure 8. Installing Left Handlebar Switch Housing
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