Step 4
Loosen the bolts that attaches the upper limit
switch assembly. Slide the assembly down
the track until the lower switch in the
assembly comes in contact with the lift’s car.
You should hear the limit switch click as
contact is made. Retighten the set screw
fastening the limit switch assembly in place.
Step 5
Replace the front cover and secure it with
the screws you removed in step 1.
Step 6
Plug the lifts electricial cord into the wall.
Verify that the emergency switch is in the on
Step 7
Run the lift in the down direction for several
inches. Next, run the lift in the up direction.
Continue to press the up button until the
upper limit switch has caused the lift to stop.
Step 8
Verify that the platform has stopped level
with the upper landing. If it has not, readjust
the limit until it is level.