Table 5-3 Hoist Inspection Methods and Criteria
Item Method Discard Limit/Criteria Action
Hooks – Yoke
Visual Should be free of significant rust, weld splatter,
nicks, and gouges. Holes should not be elongated,
fasteners should not be loose, and there should be
no gap between mating parts.
Tighten or replace
as required.
Hooks – Idle Sheave
and Shaft (Multiple
Fall Hoist)
Visual, Function Pockets of Idle Sheave should be free of significant
wear. Idle Sheave surfaces should be free of nicks,
gouges, dirt, and grime. Bearing parts and surfaces
of Idle Sheave and Axle should not show significant
wear. Idle Sheave should rotate freely with no
roughness or significant free play.
Clean/lubricate, or
replace as required.
Hooks – Hook
Visual, Function Latch should not be deformed. Attachment of latch
to hook should not be loose. Latch spring should
not be missing and should not be weak. Latch
movement should not be stiff - when depressed and
released latch should snap smartly to its closed
Yoke – Top Pin Hole
Visual, Measure The "d" dimension of the top pin hole should not be
greater than the discard value listed in Table 5-5.
Replace Hook Set
Top Pin –
Visual, Measure The pin should be free of scars or significant
deformation. The “d" dimension should not be less
than discard value listed in Table 5-6.
Yoke – Chain Pin
Hole Deformation
Measure The "d" dimension of the chain pin hole should not
be greater than the discard value listed in Table 5-5.
Replace Hook Set
or yoke.
Chain Pin –
Visual, Measure The pin should be free of scars or significant
deformation. The “d" dimension should not be less
than discard value listed in Table 5-7.
Load Chain – Pitch
and Wire Diameter
Measure The "P" dimension should not be greater than
discard value listed in Table 5-8. The "d" dimension
should not be less than discard value listed in Table
Replace. Inspect
Load Sheave (and
Idle Sheave for
multiple fall hoists).
Load Chain –
Surface Condition
Visual Should be free of gouges, nicks, dents, weld
splatter, and corrosion. Links should not be
deformed, and should not show signs of abrasion.
Surfaces where links bear on one another should
be free of significant wear.
Load Chain –
Visual, Auditory Entire surface of each chain link should be coated
with lubricant and should be free of dirt and grime.
Chain should not emit cracking noise when hoisting
a load.
Clean/lubricate (see
Section 6.0).
Load Chain –
Visual Chain should be reeved properly through Load
Sheave. On multiple fall hoists chain should be
installed properly and free of twists. Refer to
Section 3.1.
Reeve/Install chain
Lifting System –
Visual, Function Components should not be deformed, scarred, or
show significant wear.